Naked is beautiful

 Come and live naked at home for an hour, an afternoon, a day:  not just to be without clothes, but to grow: deepen your sensuality, do what you can’t do at home. No matter how old you are, no matter how ugly you think you are: nudity is always beautiful.

Rosier couleur taille



Nudity is possible at home, in the whole house and in the garden.  

Everyone is adult and free: to get rid of his clothes, it is to get rid of our social and moral constraints to be fully oneself. 

So that’s the key word here: naked if you want, free within your own limits or no limit.





TimidepetitYou discover nudism?  The first time, one can be intimidated to get naked in front of others. One often fears to have an erection. That’s why everyone has a robe to cover their nudity and, over time, you can open it up and then remove it and be comfortable with the nudity. As for erection, it’s the beauty of man, right?


Course nuComing in a naturist group (6 people max if beds are shared). The house can be privatized, but I am present to serve you and organize meals, activities, naked meetings, social moments, etc.


Tactile gay

Soft, tactile nudity. Nudity is the expression of what we need most: tenderness. Being tactile, embracing, daring to touch, caress. Our body needs skin-to-skin contact.


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Taking pictures of you. It’s hard to take pictures of yourself. I offer photo shoots as you wish.  Erotic photos are possible. These photos are for you alone. But this one is put on the request of a host to illustrate this page (but without the face).


information: write below 

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