From desire to pleasure


Allow me to be the voyeur of your pleasure

I see you lying all along, naked, abandoned to your pleasure, with some stranger that I do not see.

I hear your short breath, irregular, strewn with moans, sometimes sweet as a satisfied smile, sometimes a silence followed by long grunts, sometimes screams as if you can’t take it anymore, as if your pleasure hurts your body and heart.

Your hands are tense, your body is tense, your muscles are tense, I wait for deliverance, but you fall back abruptly. To the rhythm of the sheets, to the whispers of the whispers, I hear that you find your joy in doing good to another, I hear sounds of sucking, hands seeking each other, long and tender kisses.


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But you make a blissful cry of surprise, you spread your legs, you close them, you stretch them out, your breathing is fast and short, your chest seems to burst, the muscles of your belly shrink, you make little cries that are also moans, then a wild cry as your body leaps, and from your sex erect the liquor explodes, once, twice, and again and long... the surges continue, become weaker

You pass your finger on the drops, and put it in my mouth so I can enjoy it... a little laugh, a smile, ... your pleasure... 



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